QzTGSO Typing Kits
The QzTGSO Typing Kits require the use of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencer to identify the genotype. This long read technology provides full length amplicon phasing, single sample Turn Around Time (TAT) within 4 hours, and reloadable flow cells allowing flexible throughput. Making this the ideal solution for just about everything!
Ultra-High Resolution
No fragmentation with
end-to-end full amplicon sequencing. Giving you 100% fully phased results!
Turn Around Time Starting at 4 hrs
Real time sequence data output allows. FASTq files can be generated within 30 minutes of sequencing.
Flow Cell
MinION flow cell can be reloaded up to 6 times with different experiments and different sample numbers!
All In One
Multiplex PCR
11 HLA Loci carefully balanced in a single 2 hour PCR reaction. Just 100ng of DNA needed!
Kit Contents
PCR Amplification (2 hrs)
Amplicon Check and
Library Preparation (1 - 2.5 hrs)
Library Check and MinION
Sequencing (0.5 hr / sample)
Data Analysis (5 min / sample)
All QzTGSO Typing Kits will contain primers, taq polymerase and amplification buffers.
All Library Prep. components can be purchased directly from your local Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and New England Biolabs (NEB) suppliers.
All Nanopore Equipment and Consumables should be purchased directly from your local ONT suppliers.
The QzTGStype Analysis Software can be obtained from your local TBG supplier.
Please Contact Us should you have any questions.
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Product List
Cat. No. | Name | Description | Format |
58940 | QzTGSO Extended Primers v1 | A/B/C/DRB1/DQB1 GSA Primers | 24 Preps / Kit |
58700 | QzTGSO HPA 1-35 Typing Kit | HPA 1-35 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58620 | QzTGSO HLA DPA1 Typing Kit | DPA1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58520 | QzTGSO HLA DQA1 Typing Kit | DQA1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58610 | QzTGSO HLA DPB1 Typing Kit | DPB1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58510 | QzTGSO HLA DQB1 Typing Kit | DQB1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58310 | QzTGSO HLA DRB1/345 Typing Kit | DRB1/3/4/5 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58410 | QzTGSO HLA C Typing Kit | C | 24 Preps / Kit |
58210 | QzTGSO HLA B Typing Kit | B | 24 Preps / Kit |
58110 | QzTGSO HLA A Typing Kit | A | 24 Preps / Kit |
58930 | QzTGSO HLA DRDQDP Typing Kit | DRB1345/DQB1/DPB1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58920 | QzTGSO HLA ABC Typing Kit | A/B/C | 24 Preps / Kit |
58910 | QzTGSO HLA MX9 Typing Kit | A/B/C/DRB1/345/DRB1/DQB1/DPB1 | 24 Preps / Kit |
58900 | QzTGSO HLA MX11 Typing Kit | A/B/C/DRB1/345/DRB1/DQB1/DPB1/DQA1/DPA1 | 24 Preps / Kit |