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TBG Biotechnology Corp. (TBG) is focused on the development of molecular diagnostics for immunogenetics. These gene targets include human leukocyte antigen (HLA), human platelet antigen (HPA), and other immune related gene markers. Gene testing platforms include Sequence Specific Primers (SSP) using agarose gel electrophoresis, Sequence Based Typing (SBT) using Sanger Sequencing, Real Time PCR (qPCR), Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using Illumina Sequencer and Third Generation Sequencing (TGS) using Oxford Nanopore Sequencer.  

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The QzTGSO Typing Kits require the use of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencer to identify the genotype. This long read technology provides full length amplicon phasing, single sample Turn Around Time (TAT) within 4 hours, and reloadable flow cells allowing flexible throughput. Making this the ideal solution for just about everything! 

NGS - Illumina

QzNGS Typing Kits

The QzNGS Typing Kits require the use of the Illumina sequencer to identify the genotype. The pair-end short read technology enables cost efficient high throughput testing and low ambiguity high resolution results within a single run. It is an ideal solution for medium to high throughput laboratories.  

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SBT - Sanger Sequencing

HLAssure SBT Kits

The HLAssure SBT Kit requires the use of Sanger Sequencer to identify the genotype. This sequencing technology is intended for the high resolution reporting. Traditionally, it is the golden standard of sequencing and currently have IVD clearance for European CE, Taiwan FDA, and China FDA. 

qPCR - Real Time

ExProbe Typing Kits

The ExProbe Typing Kit requires the use of Real Time PCR to identify the genotype. This method is intended for low-medium resolution reporting and can have results within 2 hours. It is the ideal solution for urgent testing. 

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SSP - Agarose Gel
Morgan Typing Kits

The Morgan Typing Kit requires the use of agarose gel electrophoresis to identify the genotype. This method is intended for low-medium resolution reporting and can have results within 3.5 hours. It is the most economical solution for low throughput processing. 


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