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Analysis Software

TBG has developed analysis softwares for SBT, SSP, Real Time PCR, NGS and TGS technologies. Each software is made to simplified the analysis process while providing comprehensive reports.

QzType™ NGS Analysis Software

    QzType™ NGS Analysis Software is intended to analyze sequencing data generated from NGS kits. It is an open software that can be used to analyze sequences Illumina based output files. The preset alignment database includes HLA A, B, C, DRB, DQA, DQB, DPA, and DPB as well as other histocompatibility genes. If additional database are needed, please contact your nearest TBG staff for more information.

Special Features and Software Format: 
In optimized compatibility with TBG's QzType NGS kits, the software is able to:
- Import and recognize datafiles from Illumina derived Fastq files with pair end reads. 
- Common and Well Documented (Cwd) table can be customized according to your region and laboratory. 
- HLA Database can be updated up to 4 time per year. 
- Reports can be customized for uploading to registry.

If you woud like to trial this software, please contact your nearest TBG representative or email info@tbgbio.com for more information.     

AccuType™ SBT Analysis Software

    AccuType™ SBT Analysis Software is intended to analyze sequencing data generated from SBT kits. It is an open software that can be used to analyze sequences from any ab1 type files. The preset alignment database includes HLA A, B, C, DRB, DQA, DQB, DPA, DPB, MIC and TAP as well as other histocompatibility genes. If additional database are needed, please contact your nearest TBG staff for more information.

Special Features and Software Format: 
In optimized compatibility with TBG's HLAssure SBT kits, the software is able to:
- Import and recognize traces from Locus Specific Amplification (LSA), Group Specific Amplification (GSA) and Group Specific Sequencing Primers (GSSP). 
- Common and Well Documented (Cwd) table can be customized according to your region and laboratory. 
- Customized ambiguity resolution primers can be customized and added to the primers set on file within the software.
- HLA Database can be updated up to 4 time per year. 
- Reports can be customized for uploading to registry.    

Other features may also be added or customized depending on your need. Please contact us for a demonstration copy or more details.

Updated Information (last updated by 2017-11-26) 
Please click on the following link to download: 

 Download IMGT HLA Datase  Download Version Tracker Updates
 Database 3.30  Version Tracker 2017-11-24
 Database 2.80  
 Database 2.70  

Morgan™ SSPal HLA Typing Analysis Software

Tired of checking worksheets? Morgan™ SSPal HLA Typing Analysis Software is gel result interpretation software that has been specially designed for users of Morgan™ SSP HLA typing kits. Users just indicate the positive wells on the gel-view tick box to calculate the typing result. The software also annotates the size of specific-PCR product for double confirmation at the same time. Users can key-in related information such as name, ID, age, ethnic and gender of the samples or patient and import raw gel pictures into the database for storage. The efficient database search function assists the user in locating their data and specific HLA types easily including parameters such as experimental conditions and gel-interpretation.

The software is designed to take into account frequent worksheet updates and users have to use the correct worksheet to interpretate the HLA typing data. Users are advised to check the worksheet SN number from the label on each kit or from the worksheet provided in each kit with the worksheet loaded in the SSPal software to see if an update has been made. Users can download updated worksheet packages from the relevant product page on the TBG website and import it into the installed SSPal software on their PC.

To make a request for Morgan™ SSPal HLA Typing Analysis Software,
please contact us by email or contact your local distributor.

Download the SSPal worksheets here

ABDR_005v5 ABC_005v3
DRBDQB_004v5  A